Tuesday, December 31, 2013

i'm posting this on new year ! so yeah :p

Assalamualaikum !

wahai pembaca blog yang masih bernafas dan masih membaca blog saya (tah sesape).. terima kasih kerana masih membaca sebab kali terakhir pos entri adalah pada 31 jan 2013..omg so last year ! (ok belum lagi-ade lagi sejam lebih sebelum masuk 2014)

why am i here ? yes, to review my 2013 !! its the last post for this year so yeah..which technically the second entry for this year.. (what the -,-') *sangatteruksampaidahrasadirilayakberhentitulisblog*

what actually happen in 2013?
A LOT ! which is so unexpectedly a SAD year..sangat sangat menyedihkan..so here is the summary. *dahtulissiapdalamphonebaqhangsebabtakutlupa*
started with a hectic year,its in the previous post.hectic.yes! no maid. me and mama struggle to keep everything on track for our Citarasa Mak Aji..
cant even think about celebrating my birthday because MAK is badly sick.well at least i've got the chance to met her when she was hospitalized..
MAK passed away.. i never actually post this so yeah T___T mak is no longer with us..sobs (broken heart-regret is all over me)
puasa with heavy heart..and raya just having fun as much as i could. *youcantseriouslyhavingsomuchfunwhenyoumisssomeone*
i got BETRAYED ! misunderstand. yes. i am hurt.
i had to cancel my KOREA trip :(
But at least we went to family day..the blast i had for the whole year..we grown stronger as a family.
Major change for me as i am now wearing hijab. Thanks Allah for open up my heart.
2013 goes real fast for me..real hard real dissapointment !
Wishing myself to have a better life ahead..more positive more greatful and honesty. Most of all more LOVE ! 

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Have a blast one !! (Currently karaoke with family for new year eve ! Yeay) 
Till next post,

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