Monday, February 22, 2010

should be post this earlier

this post should be on 21 february 2010.

giler lah!! pg nie aq bgon [ x bgon pon actually sbb aq x dpt tido smlm n mcm sume org pown xnk bg aq tido] ha kire aq bgon dr baring ats katil la lips moving without any voice coming out saying 'bodoh!!'..yer aq bgon je mmg hati ni sgt2 lah sakit.. why should they treat me like this???! i mean all those people who accidently hurts me..grrrr.. i wont mention any name or what's the heck they did to me.. aq da mcm saket otak kowt nk pk psal bnde nieh..mmg pown saket! aq dlm keadaan yg xnk bckp dgn sesape pown or jmpe sesape pown.. sbb aq rse stiap kali aq jmpe ataw bckp ngn sesape msti aq rse mcm skt otak lg..kesian aq..nsib aq kurang baik sbb owg len jew.. errrgghhh.. kalo ikotkn hati aq rse nk nanges jew tp kalo ikotkn kepale otak aq nie aq bengang dan sgt2 marah, da mcm nk buno owg da.. adess nk ikot hati ke kepale nie?? lol


post ini hari- 22 febuari 2010

aq tido pkol 5.30 pg td dan bgon agk lewat~~ agagagaga aq kire smlm aq x tdo lg lol.. aq rse mungkin sbb itulah aq jd mcm mangka seket.. plus syisya ngn downg smlm..tingtong aq.. agagaga.. bkn new hobby tp aq rse bile aq saket hati msti aq yeye syisya tuu... huhuhu.. bengkek ngn capik smlm sbb dye serang aq ngn baling ais kat aq... clake ko!! xpe..ade hari aq bls.. sioooott btol~~.. heh aq rse mcm xde mse lak aq nk abeskn cite nie.. T__T nti la update lg... 2 la..spe soh bgon lmbt lg.. lol...

p/s: missed him but just keep it in my heart.. T___T

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