kenduri dah selesai.. alhamdulillah :D congratulation to Ej and Abg.Mat ! finally, you're husband and wife.. yeayeayyy ~!!
penat? jangan cakap lah.. semua orang pon penat.. tapi alhamdulillah keduri semua ok..
so i'll post the pictureeeeeeeeeee ! as you guys have been wait ( eyh yeke? o.O ) gambar dari hari2 persiapan sampai ke the end of the majlis.. :) enjoy !
this the bag, i mean door-gift bag.. jangan tanye ape dalam.. secret :p wkwkwkwk
malam berinai yeahh sambil yang kat luar sebok masak rendang.. and korang patot tahu bukan pengantin je sebok buat inai lukis2, kami semua buat ! like seriuzleeehhhhhh u can check the picture for the proof, tgn kami semua berlukis ! ( yg perempuan la :p )
ok the cupcake i made ! hantaraaaaannn and the cake ! yes, that is the wedding cake u just staring at !! colourful aitee? yes, saye pilih ! bangge ! wahahaha stunning looking cake kan? haha no, dont get me wrong, xde acara potong kek kami buat acara potong pulut kuning and thats why cake x bertingkat macam apartment yer :p
ni airin and her mum acu.. my cousy n aunty :D ok dorang sempat posing time acara akad nikah berlansung, yer sempat..dorang je sempat.. harap maklum xD
ok here it goes the bride and the groom ~ yeaaayy ! Alhamdulillah dengan sekali lafaz je Ej dengan sahnyer jadi isteri kepada abg.Mat.. there goes the moment of sad + happy + glad and so on.. Congratz EJ !!
ok posing time ! dengan abg.Am yg sporting nyer kat belakang tu haha.. :)
the blue-turquoise maniac ! ok my sweet aunty,cousin,sis,uncle and mom ! yes that is Irma Hasmie.. :) dont mind that,she's related to my cousin Ej so.. errr we're related too lah kan? ok nvm.. hahaha see semua in colour dengan khemah ! :p wakakaka ok baeklah.. colour in ngn pengantin xD
these are the 'tulang belakang' of the event.. ramai lagi actually.. tapi tunjuk ni jela.. HAHA tengok baju penanggah pon blue ! nak in jugak okay ! dorang pkai baju harimau malaya which they printed their-self day before the event ! bhahaha sempat taw.. sian dorang heeee :D ade lagi penanggah that goes with black tapi xde gambar dorang, mereka pemalu (eyh yeker? ).. yang pkai blue ni jangan cakap la.. asal nampak camera je........POSE ! wakakaka ! ( jangan marah yer :p )
outdoor photograph ! okay ni aku jer ikot, jadi peneman for outdoor photoshoot ngan abg bongek (err betol ke eja ni? xD ) okay nevermind, the outdoor photoshoot was fun ! abg.bongek sangat sporting.. so does the bride lah kan, kentang je nak buat ape pon.. suruh je posing ape pon,dorang mesti buat dengan OVER.. wakakaka teeeet ! :D
acara terakhir, macam biasa.. acara bukak hadiah lepas pengantin kena basuh periuk kawah ! HAHA so hadiah kreatip woo cakap lu.. ade macam2 yg xterlintas difikiran yer.. haha lagi2 yang bakery starter kit tu ! rase nak cari gak bg hadiah untuk pengantin lain nanti wakakakka..
and so the event done..very smoothly and well enough ! yeayy applaud to everyone that involved ! yeayeayyy ! kami berjaya anda bila lagi? (ayat suke gune haha)
and khamis ni i'll fly to kelantan.. belah lelaki punyer kenduri plak.. :) yeay x sabar ! plus kedai kami cuti seminggu.. ahakz ! kami nak rehat dan berjalan2 yeayeayy.. tu lagi x sabar :p
till then,
p/s: hope kasot yg beli kat dancing queen tu sempat la sampai so i can bragging all the way to kelantan bhahaha :p
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